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Nutritional Therapy

I am a qualified Sport Nutritionist. Qualifications include Sport Nutrition & Ergogentic Aids, Weight Management and a Masters Degree (MSc) in Nutritional Science.

Years of training, practice and research has taught me that appropriate nutrition is paramount to achieve health, fitness and sport performance goals.


Following a specific food plan can make a significant difference. Implementing a personalised programme, tailored to individual requirements can optimise performance and make a huge impact on the fat to muscle ratio. Combined with specific exercise it can favourably benefit weight management.


Recent research has also shown the positive link between good nutrition and well being, both physical and mental. Many health improvements are associated with better nutrition and several diseases and conditions may be managed with appropriate changes. 

I use 'Nutritics Professional Diet Analysis Software' to analyse current dietary habits and compile detailed client reports. This includes a macro/micro nutrient report from which an accurate and bespoke food plan can be created. Food preferences, lifestyle and current health status (including current medication) are all considered when creating an individual food plan.


The human body is well equipped to detox or cleanse itself. 

Short term plans to relieve the pressure from an overworked system, fire the metabolism and boost energy levels.


The correct balance of nutrients can deliver maximum effect over a short period of time. No starvation plans, plenty of good, clean food to fuel and energise the body.

Long term advice and plans are also available. A thorough nutritional analysis will be included to enable a specific & personalised plan. You will receive a detailed report following analysis along with appropriate plan. 


For more information or to request nutritional analysis & a personalised plan contact Diane.


Diane Shane Stone @ SSFitness.  By The Camera Cowboy.

All images © Copyright of The Camera Cowboy
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